Stop us if we've told you, but pomegranate seeds are said to represent a like-minded group of people; and with that in mind we'd like to introduce you to some trusted experts to help you on your pregnancy journey.
Hypnobirthing & Me
Elida is a Mum to two little girls and used hypnobirthing for both her labours. Hypnobirthing is logical, simple, practical and very effective. It is a complete antenatal education which allows women to go into labour feeling empowered, aware of their options and therefore in control of their own birth experience. It is about focusing, breathing, visualising and working with your body to do exactly what it is designed to do. Hypnobirthing gives you and your birth partner the tools for the best birth for you whatever that might be and I can safely say hypnobirthing will make a difference.
www.hypnobirthingandme.comThe bump class
Fun, informative, down-to-earth antenatal classes run by Marina Fogle and her sister Dr Chiara Hunt, authors of The Bump Class: An Expert Guide to Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond.
www.thebumpclass.comHarmony At Home SW London
Harmony at Home Nanny Agency London - Frankie Gray founded Harmony at Home in 2004. Frankie is a world renowned Norland Nanny and Maternity Nurse, and is now a highly experience Recruitment Consultant, with the Recruitment Employment Confederation Fellow status. Frankie is passionate about premier childcare, and can source the best Nannies, Maternity Nurses and Household Staff for you in your home. To contact Frankie Gray please call: 02078701044 or email